Near surface volumetric soil moisture and temperature measurements at station...
This dataset is about: Near surface volumetric soil moisture and temperature measurements at station S1, Samoylov Island, Lena Delta, for 2013/2014. Please consult parent...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Stable isotopes (δ¹³C, d15N) of bryophytes along hydrological gradients of lo...
This dataset is about: Stable isotopes (δ¹³C, d15N) of bryophytes along hydrological gradients of low-centred polygon of the Siberian Arctic. Please consult parent dataset @...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
(Table S2) Global dataset of peatland basal ages
This dataset is about: (Table S2) Global dataset of peatland basal ages. Please consult parent dataset @ for more information.0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Aerobic carbon dioxide production data of permafrost-affected soils of the no...
We aerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P3, 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia for 150 days. We used three soil layers ((i) surface...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Characteristics of permafrost-affected soils of the northeast Siberian polygo...
This dataset is about: Characteristics of permafrost-affected soils of the northeast Siberian polygonal tundra. Please consult parent dataset @...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Aerobic carbon dioxide production data of permafrost-affected soils of the no...
We aerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P3, 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia for 150 days. We used three soil layers ((i) surface...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Anaerobic carbon dioxide and methane production data of control and freeze-th...
We anaerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P2, 72° 22.3 N, 126° 29.9 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia at 4°C for 60 days. We used three soil layers ((i)...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Aerobic carbon dioxide production data of control and freeze-thaw permafrost-...
We aerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P1, 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia at 4°C for 60 days. We used three soil layers ((i)...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Anaerobic carbon dioxide and methane production data of permafrost-affected s...
We anaerobically incubated soil samples from two polygon centers (P1: 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E, P2: 72° 22.3 N, 126° 29.9 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia at 4°C for 150 days....0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Aerobic carbon dioxide production data of permafrost-affected soils of the no...
Soil and incubation data of permafrost-affected soils of the northeast Siberian polygonal tundra0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
(Table 5) Soil fractions calculated based on POC : PN ratios and δ¹³C values ...
Soil fractions are given with standard deviation (1 Sigma). D14C values are given with lower quantile (q16) and upper quantile (q84), representing the 68% confidence interval (1...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
(Table S3) Compilation of D14C source data from the literature and this study...
Sampling depth is given in meters below surface (m b.s.), except for values from Bolshiyanov et al. (2015) where height is given in meters above water level.0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
(Table S2) Compilation of δ¹³C source data from the literature and this study...
The sample depth is given in meters below surface (m b.s.).0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
(Table S1) Compilation of OC:TN soil end-member source data from the literature
The sample depth is given in meters below surface (m b.s.).0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
(Table S5) Results of the dual - carbon isotope (δ¹³C, D14C) mixing model for...
Riverine phytoplankton (fraction Plankton), Holocene permafrost soils (fraction Holocene - PF), and Pleistocene Ice Complex deposits (fraction ICD).0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
(Table S4) Total suspended matter concentrations (TSM), particulate organic c...
1: TSM values for 2009 and 2010 from Winterfeld et al. (2015, companion paper). 2: calculated after subtracting the intercept value at POC = 0 in the POC versus PN plot (Figure...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
(Table 3) Stable carbon isotope and radiocarbon composition of Lena Delta fir...
Soil profile samples are given in meters below surface (m b.s.). Before present (BP), i.e., before 1950. Samples were radiocarbon-dated at the National Ocean Sciences...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Water temperature in interpolygonal and polygonal ponds
This dataset is about: Water temperature in interpolygonal and polygonal ponds. Please consult parent dataset @ for more information.0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Temperature in soils of interpolygonal and polygonal ponds
This dataset is about: Temperature in soils of interpolygonal and polygonal ponds. Please consult parent dataset @ for more information.0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Plants and plant mediated Methane flux in interpolygonal and polygonal ponds
This dataset is about: Plants and plant mediated Methane flux in interpolygonal and polygonal ponds. Please consult parent dataset @ for...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA