
Welcome to unleash the potential of Virtual Access data for your research!

INTERACT -The Network of Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic- is a network of research station located in the Arctic, and northern forest and alpine regions. Virtual Access (VA) means free access to research infrastructure’s data and databases. Altogether 29 INTERACT partner organizations offer Virtual Access in INTERACT, funded by the EU-H2020 (Grant Agreement No. 871120).

INTERACT Virtual Access Single Entrypoint is a data portal that allows you to search and access data and information from the Arctic and beyond. The INTERACT Data Portal is based on metadata harvesting from several organizations and sites with end points to real data on various topics on e.g. earth sciences and ecosystems. The number of datasets presented in the portal is growing day by day, including both near real-time observation datasets and unique historical, retrospective data digitized and provided for open access.