Nordicana D
Published by the CEN - Centre for Northern Studies since 1964, Nordicana publishes research results such as northern symposia, lexicons, monographs, essays or theses. The CEN Network yields a wealth of data and the demands from CEN researchers and from external users for subsets of these data are increasing. Consequently, the CEN has decided to implement the collection Nordicana D. Nordicana series D is a formatted, online data report series archived at CEN. It is produced only in electronic form and is freely and openly accessible to CEN researchers and to other users. Nordicana D has been conceived to aid the management of data sets, to ensure and maximize the exchange and accessibility of relevant data for the different stakeholders, and to provide a lasting legacy of CEN monitoring and research activities.
website url
The information system PANGAEA is operated as an Open Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing georeferenced data from earth system research. The system guarantees long-term availability of its content through a commitment of the hosting institutions. Most of the data are freely available and can be used under the terms of the license mentioned on the data set description. A few password protected data sets are under moratorium from ongoing projects. The description of each data set is always visible and includes the principle investigator (PI) who may be asked for access. Each dataset can be identified, shared, published and cited by using a Digital Object Identifier (DOI Name). PANGAEA also allows data to be published as supplements to science articles (example) or as citable data collections in combination with data journals like ESSD, Geoscience Data Journal, Scientific Data, or others. The PANGAEA data editorial ensures the integrity and authenticity as well as a high usability of your data. Archived data are machine readable and mirrored into our data warehouse which allows efficient compilations of data. PANGAEA is open to any project, institution, or individual scientist to use or to archive and publish data.
website url 681 DatasetsSITES
SITES (Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science) is a national infrastructure for terrestrial and limnological field research. SITES aims to promote high-quality research through long-term field measurements and field experiments, and by making data available. The core of SITES is nine field research stations that represent a variety of Swedish climate zones and ecosystems, including agricultural land, forests, wetlands, lakes and streams. The purpose of SITES is to offer researchers, regardless of institution, well-functioning and infrastructures for field research. SITES also runs several long-term data collection programmes that provide researchers with contextual data.
website url 92 Datasets