BioBasis Zackenberg - Mammals - Arctic hare abundance
Data on arctic hare numbers within the designated hare census area. For further details, please refer to the newest BioBasis manual available at the website. Mammals:Mammals...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
BioBasis Zackenberg - Mammals - Arctic fox reproduction
Annual data on arctic fox reproduction in known breeding dens. For further details, please refer to the newest BioBasis manual available at the website. Mammals:Mammals...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
BioBasis Zackenberg - Lakes - Water chemistry
Water Chemistry Lakes:Lakes BioBasis Zackenberg:The BioBasis programme monitors the dynamics of organisms and biological processes in the terrestrial and limnic ecosystems...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
BioBasis Zackenberg - Lakes - Phytoplankton
Data on phytoplankton numbers and biovolume in the two monitoring lakes. For further details, please refer to the newest BioBasis manual available at the website. Lakes:Lakes...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
BioBasis Zackenberg - Birds - Breeding bird abundance
Data on breeding birds territories as a result of annual breeding birds census. For further details, please refer to the newest BioBasis manual available at the website....0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
BioBasis Zackenberg - Birds - Bird breeding phenology, nests
Data on nest phenology of breeding birds. For further details, please refer to the newest BioBasis manual available at the website. Birds:Birds BioBasis Zackenberg:The...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
BioBasis Zackenberg - Birds - Bird breeding phenology, broods
Data on nest phenology of breeding birds, who's nests were never found, but who's broods were discovered post-hatching. For further details, please refer to the newest BioBasis...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
BioBasis Zackenberg - Arthropods - Arthropod emergence
Weekly data on arthropod numbers in permanent pitfall and flight-intercept traps. For further details, please refer to the newest BioBasis manual available at the website....0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
BioBasis Zackenberg - Abiotics - Snow and ice cover
Snow and ice cover Abiotics:Abiotics BioBasis Zackenberg:The BioBasis programme monitors the dynamics of organisms and biological processes in the terrestrial and limnic...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021