GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - ZEROCALM-2_Soil_moisture
Soil moisture is measured every week, during the snow free season, along row 1 and 6 in the ZEROCALM-2 grid (highlighted in chart in:...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - ZEROCALM-2_lower_Soil_temperature
Soil temperature is measured in +0.03, 0, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.50 and 2 meters below the surface in a water logged Eriophorum fen, south of the meteorological station...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - ZEROCALM-2_Active_layer
Active layer is measured c. 400 m south of the runway on a south facing slope at an elevation of 11-22 m a.s.l. Vegetation changes from dry dryas heath at the upper end to a...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - ZEROCALM-2 upper_Soil_temperature
Soil temperature is measured in 0, 0, 0.05, 0.3, 0.55, 0.8, 1.05, 1.55, 2.05 and 2.55 meters below the surface on a dry dryas heath, close to the meteorological station M2 and...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - ZEROCALM-2 middle_Soil_temperature
Soil temperature is measured in 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2 and 2.5 meters below the Soil properties:Soil properties GeoBasis Zackenberg:The GeoBasis...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - ZEROCALM-1_Active_layer
Active layer is measured on a welldrained white arctic bell-heather, just north of the Climate station. The site consist of 121 measuring points in a 100m x 100 m grid (11...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Wet_fen_Soil_temperature
Soil temperature is measured in +0.03, 0.00, 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 meters below the surface in a hummocky fen area, North of the Automatic chamber...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - V2_Soil_temperature_0m
Soil temperature is measured in 0 cm on the Southern edge of 'Gadekæret', a small fen just east of the Zackenberg research station. The soil temperature sensors were installed...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Triangle_Soil_temperature
Soil temperature is measured in 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2 and 2.5 meters below the surface on a gravel plateau, close to the coast and south of the old delta,...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Sal-2_Soil_temperature_0m
Soil temperature is measured in 0, 10 and 30 cm under salix vegetation adjacent to the BioBasis plot Sal-6. The soil temperature sensors were installed in 2003. Temperature is...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Sal-2_Soil_temperature_0.3m
Soil temperature is measured in 0, 10 and 30 cm under salix vegetation adjacent to the BioBasis plot Sal-6. The soil temperature sensors were installed in 2003. Temperature is...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Sal-2_Soil_temperature_0.1m
Soil temperature is measured in 0, 10 and 30 cm under salix vegetation adjacent to the BioBasis plot Sal-6. The soil temperature sensors were installed in 2003. Temperature is...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Sal-2_Soil_moisture
Soil moisture has been measured in 5, 10 and 30 cms depth from 2003 - 2004. After the 2004 season the cables to the sensors in 5 and 10 cms depth were cut by foxes. The cables...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Sal-1_Soil_temperature_0m
Soil temperature is measured in 0, 10, 15 and 30 cm under salix vegetation adjacent to the BioBasis plot Sal-1. The soil temperature sensors in 0 and 15 cms were installed in...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Sal-1_Soil_temperature_0.3m
Soil temperature is measured in 0, 10, 15 and 30 cm under salix vegetation adjacent to the BioBasis plot Sal-1. The soil temperature sensors in 0 and 15 cms were installed in...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Sal-1_Soil_temperature_0.1m
Soil temperature is measured in 0, 10, 15 and 30 cm under salix vegetation adjacent to the BioBasis plot Sal-1. The soil temperature sensors in 0 and 15 cms were installed in...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Sal-1_Soil_temperature_0.15m
Soil temperature is measured in 0, 10, 15 and 30 cm under salix vegetation adjacent to the BioBasis plot Sal-1. The soil temperature sensors in 0 and 15 cms were installed in...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - Sal-1_Soil_moisture
Soil moisture has been measured in 5, 10 and 15 cms depth from 2003 - 2006. After the 2006 season the logger box disappeared and the sensor cables were cut. Thereafter one...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - S4_Soil_temperature_0m
Soil temperature is measured in 0 cm in a transect though a snow fan, at four sites, about 250 Southwest of the Zackenberg research station. The four sites are: S1: Gravel...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021 -
GeoBasis Zackenberg - Soil properties - S3_Soil_temperature_0m
Soil temperature is measured in 0 cm in a transect though a snow fan, at four sites, about 250 Southwest of the Zackenberg research station. The four sites are: S1: Gravel...0 recent viewson 26-05-2021