Stable isotopes (δ¹³C, d15N) of bryophytes along hydrological gradients of lo...
This dataset is about: Stable isotopes (δ¹³C, d15N) of bryophytes along hydrological gradients of low-centred polygon of the Siberian Arctic. Please consult parent dataset @...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
(Table 3) Stable carbon isotope and radiocarbon composition of Lena Delta fir...
Soil profile samples are given in meters below surface (m b.s.). Before present (BP), i.e., before 1950. Samples were radiocarbon-dated at the National Ocean Sciences...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Concentrations, fluxes and isotopic signatures of greenhouse gases emitted fr...
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0 recent viewson 04-01-2021