Anaerobic carbon dioxide and methane production data of control and freeze-th...
We anaerobically incubated soil samples from a polygon center (P2, 72° 22.3 N, 126° 29.9 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia at 4°C for 60 days. We used three soil layers ((i)...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Anaerobic carbon dioxide and methane production data of permafrost-affected s...
We anaerobically incubated soil samples from two polygon centers (P1: 72° 22.5 N, 126° 29.4 E, P2: 72° 22.3 N, 126° 29.9 E) on Samoylov, Northeast Siberia at 4°C for 150 days....0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Plant mediated methane emission by Arctophila fuva at site LD02-PS2 during ex...
This dataset is about: Plant mediated methane emission by Arctophila fuva at site LD02-PS2 during expedition LENA 2002. Please consult parent dataset @...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Dissolved-gas concentrations, physical and chemical properties of 41 ponds as...
Ponds emit more methane per area than larger lakes. However, methane concentrations in and methane emissions from ponds show more spatial variability than larger waterbodies. A...0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Preliminary calculations of eddy covariance fluxes August 2002, Samoylov Island
This dataset is about: Preliminary calculations of eddy covariance fluxes August 2002, Samoylov Island.0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA -
Meteorological observations and eddy covariance raw data from polygonal tundr...
We present the first ecosystem-scale methane flux data from a northern Siberian tundra ecosystem covering the entire snow-free period from spring thaw until initial freeze-back....0 recent viewson 21-03-2024Collaborator: PANGAEA