Wet tundra polygon centers and distance between polygon centroids on Samoylov Island, Lena Delta, Siberia, Russia, with links to shape files

Subgrid processes occur in various ecosystems and landscapes but, because of their small scale, they are not represented or poorly parameterized in climate models. These local heterogeneities are often important or even fundamental for energy and carbon balances. This is especially true for northern peatlands and in particular for the polygonal tundra, where methane emissions are strongly influenced by spatial soil heterogeneities. We present a stochastic model for the surface topography of polygonal tundra using Poisson–Voronoi diagrams and we compare the results with available recent field studies. We analyze seasonal dynamics of water table variations and the landscape response under different scenarios of precipitation income. We upscale methane fluxes by using a simple idealized model for methane emission. Hydraulic interconnectivities and large-scale drainage may also be investigated through percolation properties and thresholds in the Voronoi graph. […]

Data and Resources

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Source https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.818292
Author [{"email": "fabio.cresto-aleina@zmaw.de", "author_name": "Fabio Cresto-Aleina"}]
Version 1.0
Last Updated March 21, 2024, 11:20 AM (UTC+00:00)
Created March 19, 2021, 4:52 PM (UTC+00:00)
License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/