Tundra Nunavik: Set of 27 bioclimate variables projected for the 21st century (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100) under 10 climate change scenarios for Labrador and northern Quebec

Data and Resources

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Source http://www.cen.ulaval.ca/nordicanad/dpage.aspx?doi=10.5885/45535CE-1955B00FFC5E4B34
Author [{"author_name": "Dominique Berteaux"}, {"author_name": "Nicolas Casajus"}, {"author_name": "Pascale Ropars"}]
Version 1.0
Last Updated January 4, 2021, 10:16 (UTC)
Created January 4, 2021, 10:16 (UTC)
License http://www.cen.ulaval.ca/nordicanad/en_modalite.aspx