Phenocam - Green and Red Chromatic Coordinates time series from Abisko Scientific Research Station, Mast 4.5m Phenocam 01, 2010–2021

Spectral indices from different ecosystems within the SITES Spectral network, collected by phenocameras on towers. Records are averaged daily from phenocam composites of photos from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. within specific regions of interest (ROI). Abisko Scientific Research Station (2022). Phenocam - Green and Red Chromatic Coordinates time series from Abisko Scientific Research Station, Mast 4.5m Phenocam 01, 2010–2021 [Data set]. Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (SITES).

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Version 1.0
Last Updated July 9, 2024, 13:15 (UTC)
Created January 11, 2024, 11:17 (UTC)