GeoBasis Zackenberg - Snow properties - Snow cover (Central area)

The snow cover is computed for the region Central_area, covering parts of region 2 in the map in: GeoBasis_Zack_Snow_properties_Central_area_Snow_cover.pdf. The corners of the area are , NW: 8266470 mN, 512815 mE,
NE: 8265710 mN, 514625 mE, SW: 8264495 mN, 512765 mE, SE: 8263505 mN, 515000 mE, (WGS 84, UTM 27N) The area covers 3.6 square kilometres. Snow cover is computed from orthorectified digital photos taken from the slope of Zackenberg, ca. 480 meters above sea level. The cameras used to capture the digital photos were: 1998 - 2005-06-30: Kodak DC50, 2005-06-30 - 2008-05-03: Kodak CX 6200 RDC 365, 2008-05-03 - now: HP Photosmart E427. The images are captured every day at 13:20, which is solar noon in the Zackenberg valley. Snow cover data from 2003-2005 is missing. Snow properties:Snow properties GeoBasis Zackenberg:The GeoBasis monitoring programme focuses on selected abiotic characteristics in order to describe the state of Greenlandic terrestrial environments and their potential feedback effects in a changing climate. Monitored plot data is up-scaled to a landscape level and is used to improve ecosystem models to be able to quantify these feedback mechanisms. The GeoBasis programme provides an active response to recommendations in international assessments such as ACIA and SWIPA; and is continuously being adapted based on AMAP and other international founded recommendations. Furthermore, the GeoBasis programme is directly involved in several international networks and research projects (e.g. the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) programme, the Nordic Centre of Excellence DEFROST, the Danish Centre of Excellence CENPERM, the EU-projects PAGE21 and INTERACT, and the Arctic Research Centre at Aarhus University). The GeoBasis programme is divided into a number of sub-groups, including:

Data and Resources

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Author [{"author_name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring"}]
Version 1
Last Updated May 26, 2021, 7:45 AM (UTC+00:00)
Created May 26, 2021, 7:45 AM (UTC+00:00)