ClimateBasis Disko - Precipitation - Precipitation - 60min sample (mm)

Precipitation, sampled once per hour Precipitation:Precipitation ClimateBasis Disko:The ClimateBasis programme monitors climate and hydrology in Zackenberg, Kobbefjord and Disko (Qeqertarsuaq) and is run by Asiaq - Greenland Survey. The collected data build base-line information on climate variability and trends for all the other sub-programmes within GEM and serve as a trustworthy foundation for adaptation strategies for the Greenlandic society. The stations are embedded in Asiaq’s extensive climate and hydrology monitoring network. Furthermore, the run-off data is delivered to the World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) and the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) networks.

Data and Resources

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Author [{"author_name": "Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring"}]
Version 1
Last Updated May 18, 2021, 5:10 PM (UTC+00:00)
Created May 18, 2021, 5:10 PM (UTC+00:00)